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Hummel Croton Inc.
10 Harmich Road
South Plainfield, NJ 07080

  Tel:908-754-1800 / Fax 908-754-1815

Data Sheet

  Barium Peroxide Rev. Date 04/21/06
Product Code:   02-0875
Appearance:   Tan/White Powder
Assay:   92% Min.
Active Oxygen:   8.7% Min.
Barium Carbonate:   2.0% Max
Acid Insoluble:   0.5% Max
Moisture @105 °C:   0.5% Max
Iron:   0.005% Max
Chloride:   0.05% Max
Apparent Denisty:   0.9 g/ml Min.
Passing U.S. Std. Sieve #200:   85% Min.
PACKAGING:   300 & 600 Polylined Steel Net Drums (smaller quantity's available)
USES:   Barium Peroxide is use as an oxidizer in various ordnance and pyrotechnic mixtures. It is also used to bleach animal substances, vegetable fibers and straw. It can also be used in the manufacturing of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. Combine with aluminum it is used in the welding industry. It can be used as an oxidizer in organic synthesis.
HANDLING:   Do not store near acids, organics and other oxidizable materials or where flammable or combustible materials are stored. Reseal containers immediately after use. Store away from food and beverages. Use dust respirator when handling. OSHA PEL & ACGIH TLV-TWA have been established for this compound at 0.5 mg/m3 as Ba. Material is an oxidizer and a poison. This product may be subject to SARA Section 313 reporting requirements (Ba 52.55%). See MSDS for more information.
& SHIPPING INFORMATION:   UN# 1449, Class 5.1, P.G. II, Label Code 5.1(6.1)

Barium Peroxide
CAS Number
RTECS Number
Melting point
Specific Gravity

CR 0175000
-O, ~800 °C

EINEC Number
Molecular Wt.
Molecular Formula
Water Solubility


No warranty, expressed or implied, or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise is made, except that the products herein discussed comply with the chemical description on the labels. Buyer assumes risks of the use, storage and handling. Hummel shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising directly or indirectly in connection with the purchase, use, storage or handling of this product. The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. However, all recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee, since the conditions of use are beyond our control. We disclaim any liability incurred in connection with the use of these data or suggestions. This information is not to be taken as a license to operate under, or a recommendation to infringe any patent(s). The observance of all regulations and patents is the responsibility of the user. No agent, representative or employee of this company is authorized to vary any terms of this notice.