Section I. Chemical Product and Company Identification |
Hummel Croton Inc.
- 10 Harmich Road
- South Plainfield, NJ 07080
- (908)-754-1800
- Chemical Name: Polyvinyl Chloride
- Synonym: PVC, vinyl
- CAS Number: 9002-86-2
- Chemical Formula: (CH2CHCl)n
HMIS Rating | |
Health | 0 |
Flammability | 1 |
Reactivity | 0 |
Personal Protection | B |
Section II. Composition and Information on Ingredients |
| CAS# | % | OSHA | ACGIH | |
9002-86-2 |
99+% |
Not Established |
Not Established |
- Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate *
117-81-7 |
< 1% |
5.0mg/m³ |
5.0mg/m³ |
- Vinyl Chloride Monomer **
75-01-4 |
<8.5ppm |
1 ppm |
5 ppm |
* Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate is a NTP anticipated human carcinogen and IARC possible human carcinogen.
** Vinyl Chloride Monomer is an OSHA cancer suspect agent, ACGIH confirmed human carcinogen and NTP and IARC human carcinogen.
Section III Hazards Identification:
- Accute Health Effects: Irritating to the skin and eyes
on contact. Inhalation will cause irritation to the lungs and mucus membrane. Irritation
to the eyes will cause watering and redness. Reddening, scaling, and itching are
characteristics of skin inflammation. Follow safe industrial hygiene practices and
always wear protective equipment when handling this compound.
- Chronic Health Effects: This product has no known chronic effects.
Repeated or prolong exposure to this compound is not known to aggravate medical conditions.
- Accute Health Effects: This product is not listed by NTP, IARC or regulated as a carcinogen by OSHA. Two of Polyvinyl Chloride’s impurities are listed as carcinogens.* Bis(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate is a NTP anticipated human carcinogen and IARC possible human carcinogen. (Polyvinyl Chloride contains less than 1% by weight)** Vinyl Chloride Monomer is an OSHA cancer suspect agent, ACGIH confirmed human carcinogen, and NTP and IARC human carcinogen. (Polyvinyl Chloride contains less than 8.5 ppm)
Section IV. First Aid Measures
- First Aid For Eye: In case of contact, immediately
flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician.
- First Aid For Skin: In case of contact, flush skin with water.
Wash clothing before reuse. Call a physician if irritation occurs.
- First Aid For Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air.
If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician.
- First Aid For Ingestion: If swallowed, call a physician immediately.
Section V. Fire and Explosion Data
- Flammability: Non-Flamable
- Flash Points: 391°C ASTM D1929
- Auto-Ignition: Not Applicable
- Flammable Limits: Not Applicable
- Extinguishing Media: Water spray
- Fire Fighting Procedure: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. Do not direct a solid stream of water or foam into burning molten material; this may cause spattering and spread the fire.
- Fire/Explosion Hazards: Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions
Section VI. Accidental Release Measures
- Spill Or Leak Procedures: Utilize recommended
protective clothing and equipment. Clean spills in a manner that does not disperse
dust into the air. Spill area can be washed with water. Collect wash water for
approved disposal. Keep from entering water or ground water
Section VII. Handling and Storage
- Storage Temperatures: Store at ambient temperature
- Shelf Life: Unlimited in tightly closed container.
- Special Sensitivity: None
- Handling/Storage Precautions: Avoid breathing dust.
Avoid getting in eyes or on skin. Wash thoroughly after handling. Store in a dry place away
from direct sunlight, heat and incompatible materials (see Section X). Reseal containers immediately
after use. Store away from food and beverages.
Section VIII. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
- Eye Protection: Safety glasses or goggles.
- Skin Protection: PVC gloves with impervious boots,
apron or coveralls. Employees should wash their hands and face before eating, drinking
or using tobacco products.
- Respirator: Work ambient concentrations should be
monitored and if the recommended exposure limit is exceeded, a NIOSH/MSHA approved dust
respirator must be worn.
- Ventilation: Use local ventilation if dusting is a
problem, to maintain air levels below the recommended exposure limit.
- Additional Protective Measures: Emergency showers
and eye wash stations should be available. Educate and train employees in the safe use
and handling of hazardous chemicals.
Section IX. Physical and Chemical Properties
- Physical Form: Free Flowing Powder
- Color: White
- Odor: Odorless
- Molecular Weight: Not Applicable
- Boiling Point: Not Established
- Melting/Freezing Point: Decomposes above 250°C
- Solubility In Water: Insoluble
- Specific Gravity: 1.4± 0.02
Section X. Stability And Reactivity
- Stability: Stable
- Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not occur
- Incompatibilities: Avoid contact with Strong oxidizers. Also, avoid contact with acetal or acetal copolymers and with amine containing materials during processing. At processing conditions, these materials are mutually destructive and involve rapid degradation.
- Instable Conditions: Excessive temperatures (see Incompatibilities).
- Decomposition Temperature: Prolong heating of product above 200°C or short term heating above 250°C. may result in rapid evolution of hydrogen chloride.
- Decomposition products: Hydrogen Chloride, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and small amounts of benzene and aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons.
Section XI. Toxicological Infomation
- RTECS Number: Not Established for Polyvinyl Chloride
- Routes of Exposure: Eye contact. Ingestion. Inhalation.
Skin contact.
- Toxicity Data: See Section III above and information below
- Chronic Toxic Effects: Vinyl resin has little effect on the lungs and is not known to cause any disease when dust exposure is minimized. Routine inhalation of dust of any kind should be avoided.
- Acute Toxic Effects: No adverse health effects are anticipated from this product at ambient temperature other than items stated in Section III.
- Toxicity Data for: Bis(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate*LD50 (rat, oral): 30,500 mg/kg Bis(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate* is a NTP anticipated human carcinogen and IARC possible human carcinogen.
- Toxicity Data for: Vinyl Chloride Monomer*LD50 (rat, inhalation): 18 pph /15M Vinyl Chloride Monomer* is an OSHA cancer suspect agent, ACGIH confirmed human carcinogen, and NTP and IARC human carcinogen.
- * This data for Bis(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate and Vinyl Chloride Monomer apply to the pure form of the compound. In Polyvinyl Chloride Bis(2-ethylhexyl)Phathalate exist in concentrations less than 1%. The Vinyl chloride Monomer exists in concentrations less than 8.5 ppm.
Section XII. Ecological Information
- Ecotoxicity: Not available at this time.
Section XIII. Disposal Considerations
- Waste Disposal Method: Waste disposal should be in
accordance with existing federal, state and local environmental regulations.
Section XIV. Transportation Information
- Proper Shipping Name: Polyvinyl Chloride
- UN Number: N/A
- Class: N/A
- P.G.: N/A
- Label Code: N/A
Section XV. Regulatory Information
- OSHA Status: This product is hazardous under the criteria of
the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200.
- TSCA Chemical Inventory: This compound is on the EPA Toxic
Substance Control Act (TSCA) inventory List
- California Proposition 65: This product contains levels of listed substances, which the state of California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive effects. ( Bis(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate & Vinyl Chloride Monomer)
- SARA 313 Title III:
Section 302 ExtremelyHazardous Substances: None
- Section 311/312 Hazardous Categories: None
- Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: None
Section XVI. Other Information
- Prepared By: Mark Dugan
- Date: November 30, 2006
- Reason For Issue: Updated Format
No warranty, expressed or implied, or merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose or otherwise is made, except that the products herein discussed comply
with the chemical description on the labels. Buyer assumes risks of the use,
storage and handling. Hummel shall not be liable for any incidental or
consequential damages arising directly or indirectly in connection with the
purchase, use, storage or handling of this product. The information contained
herein is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. However, all
recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee, since the conditions
of use are beyond our control. We disclaim any liability incurred in connection
with the use of these data or suggestions. This information is not to be taken as
a license to operate under, or a recommendation to infringe any patent(s). The
observance of all regulations and patents is the responsibility of the user. No
agent, representative or employee of this company is authorized to vary any terms
of this notice.